agricultural officials became cheat the robber

agricultural officials became cheat the robber? at the same time to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of supervision. outspoken, 20141010 20141010 5:34:09. . was informed that: today, CCTV issued on the advertising non GMO Products review notice requirements. After the Ministry of agriculture to the national industry and Commerce Bureau issued a General Office of Ministry of agriculture on operator please strengthen the management on relates to transgenic advertising letter farming, letter [2014] No. 76, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce will strengthen supervision and examination to the non transgenic AD work: advertising, to our country and even the whole ball no transgenic varieties grown in commercial crops such as rice, peanut and its processed products, prohibit the use of non transgenic advertisement word; two, the existing commercial cultivation of transgenic varieties of soybean, rape and other products and processed products advertising, in addition to collect proof materials according to the provisions, prohibit the use of non transgenic effects of words, such as a healthier, safer misleading advertisements. excerpts from the end. the agriculture department correspondence is deceived, and thus, the notification is deception based notification, not only should be banned immediately withdrawn, and should be according to law to cheat officials publicly punished. the fact that officials of the Ministry of agriculture and the interest relationship academician, made of genetically modified food safe or safer advertising, has many years of times. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued notice to the country to engage in rational view of transgenic activity, it is a genetically modified food safe or safer advertising campaign. Agriculture officials called no transgenic advertising campaign, is a cheat. the fact that in the United States and other places, advertising has many transgenic crops. Attached is a Monsanto GM crops 2014 annual advertising materials. Agriculture officials called the global no transgenic advertising, is a cheat. fact: the United States and other developed countries the official organic products logo. Organic products are non GM products, not only identifies the years of use, and relevant advertising also had. Attached, [1] famous American breakfast products manufacturers decided to identify ads do not use genetically modified crops and its raw materials; organic food advertising [2] famous American food retail network company TRADERJOE non GMO food ads. the fact that Department of agriculture officials often hit the flag of the United nations. The following is the United Nations departments CODEX document, clear instructions: [1] on genetically modified food labeling, the international community has no consensus, in this regard, the agencies only provide guide services, the right to decide on the members; [2] is the interests of consumers, the agency receiving International Society recommend organic food identity and halal food logo. Related textual as follows: FAQs
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残荷听雨: 语言简洁而富有韵味,节奏舒缓,在平实的文字中蕴含着强大的精神力量,如潺潺溪流般滋润读者的心灵,引导读者回归内心,思索成长的真谛,是一首兼具思想深度与文学美感的佳作。 查看原文 02月22日 09:10
桃梦: 这首诗以诗意笔触描绘出华夏的独特魅力,是一首饱含深情、极具感染力的佳作,能激发读者强烈的民族自豪感与爱国情怀。 查看原文 02月22日 09:09
桃梦: 语言流畅优美,情感真挚,如潺潺溪流滋润读者心田,激励人们在逐梦路上坚定前行,给人以鼓舞与力量 ! 查看原文 02月22日 09:04
一笑: 语言优美且富有力量,“以梦为马,不负韶华,在笃行的道路上,我们终将邂逅繁花盛开”,既展现文采,又传递出积极向上的精神。 查看原文 02月16日 10:02
蝴蝶飞飞: 你的文字宛如灵动的音符,在纸面上跳跃出美妙的旋律。简洁而不失韵味,细腻而又直击人心,每一个词语都像是精心挑选的宝石,镶嵌在文章的锦缎上,熠熠生辉。 查看原文 02月11日 19:29




